Ocotilla Goldens :: Brags

Here are pictures from November 2022 show.
I am with Carly and Naami in one picture.
Carly finished her RACH title

Naami completed her Rally Novice title


This is photo of Rio, I, and judge (Ron Horn). 3-7-15 with first place win in Novice rally B, finishing his title, RN.
He earned first place in all three wins with a 98, 1100, and 96 for scores.
Ann Haley and I co-own Rio

Giddi Earned Her NW1


Annie Earned Her RA on September 29, 2013


Annie earning her third leg & title for beginners novice in AKC at Longmont in May.
With a 4th place & 2 first placements.
She now wants her own chair!